Polyform U.S. is committed to furthering the accessibility and usability of its website, polyformus.com. In pursuit of that goal we use the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as our main reference.
Our accessibility efforts are ongoing, so if you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of any particular web page or other content on PolyformUS.com, please contact us by email at support@polyformus.com or by telephone at 800-423-0664. If you encounter an accessibility issue with any of our website content, wherever possible please specify the particular web page in your email or phone call, and we will make all reasonable efforts to make the content of that page accessible to you.
Here are some of the items we've addressed to make our site easier to use for all guests:
Site Structure - We use appropriate headings, paragraphs, lists, captions and other formatting features on PolyformUS.com so that guests can use the site with assistive technology.
Text Equivalents - For those who use our site but can't see images or hear audio we've created some text equivalents. We're ensuring that all of our images and video are fully accessible through alternative text, captions and/or transcripts.
Keyboard Access - Every part of our site and its content can be accessed using a keyboard.